Searching for books about 'labyrinth' yields over 12,000 items! In recent years many new books have been published. We suggest you start here! for information, 'click' the title. | ||||
Books: Labyrinth Related |
Walking a Sacred Path : Rediscovering the Labyrinth As a Spiritual Tool
1996 . Walking a Sacred Path : Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice Revised & Updated Edition 2002 by Canon Lauren Artress Paperback - 201 pages (June 1996) This book helped get the labyrinth revival going in the 90's. Canon Artress' organization Veriditas has introduced thousands of pilgrims to the Chartres style labyrinth. Every serious student of the Chartres labyrinth and its modern usage should have a copy of this book!. The Sacred Path Companion : A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform |
Through the Labyrinth:Designs and Meanings over 5,000 Years by Hermann Kern, Hardcover - 360 pages (Sept. 2000) International Book Import Service, Inc.; This is the BIG one that all labyrinth scholars should own. A thorough research compendium originally published in German in 1980. Many references to labyrinths in ancient manuscripts, and an update for the English edition. Several members of the Labyrinth Society worked on the translation. |
The Way of the Labyrinth: A Powerful Meditation for Everyday Life by Helen Curry Paperback - 224 pages (2000) Penguin USA. Helen includes sections on history and 'how-to-build', as many books do, but more importantly, she gives her experiences in operating the Connecticut Labyrinth Project, and shares the comments of many pilgrims. Special features are: meditations for parts of the walk, & 'inter-faith' blessings for opening the labyrinth. JR |
Way of the Winding Path: A Map for the Labyrinth of Life by Eve Eschner Hogan 124 pages White Cloud Press; Formatted as a labyrinth walk, taking the pilgrim on a three-part journey: Part One introduces readers to the process and tools for self-observation and letting go. In Part Two, at the center of the labyrinth, there are eleven illuminating insights. Part Three is the return, how to apply the wisdom in daily life. |
& Mazes: A Complete Guide to Magical Paths of the World by Jeff Saward Paperback: 223 pages Lark Books; (October 2003) An extensive analysis from the prehistoric Spanish petroglyph labyrinths to the modern revival - Lots of great photos!. Long known as an European labyrinth expert, Saward includes an extensive collection of notable American labyrinths. |
Magical Paths: Labyrinths and Mazes in the 21st Century by Jeff Saward; Hardcover: 176 pages; Mitchell Beazley; (Oct. 2002) Lots of great information; many, many of Jeff's excellent photographs. "the book looks at the mythology, history and evolution of mazes and labyrinths, as well as how today's land artists and garden designers have recreated labyrinths, in both public and private garden spaces, that reflect the modern search for inner peace."- publisher. |
The Sand Labyrinth : Meditation at Your Fingertips by Canon Lauren Artress. Paperback (September 2000) Charles Tuttle Co 80 pages & kit - Included in The Sand Labyrinth are a 10" square sandbox, a two sided plastic labyrinth, (an 11-circuit Chartres, and a classical 7 circuit pattern) creating a different meditative effect-that fits perfectly on top of a layer of fine white sand for finger tracing. |
Praying the Labyrinth: Praying the Labyrinth : A Journal for Spiritual Exploration by Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion, Lauren Artress Paperback - 128 pages Pilgrim Press. Based on her experience at Chartres Cathedral and her training with Lauren Artress at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral, Jill has created a simple, meaningful approach to preparing for, undertaking, and meditating on labyrinth walks. all books by: Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion |
Labyrinths : Ancient Myths & Modern Uses by Sig Lonegren Revised Edition New York: Sterling Publications. 2001. (paperback). The author, a geomancer and dowser, focuses on the classical 7-circuit design, placing the labyrinth in a global context. Reads in an easy friendly manner. Focus is on possible uses today incorporating mythology. (limited availability last I looked) |
Mazes and Labyrinths : Their History and Development by William Henry Matthews Paperback - 253 pages (1985) A reference book for many of today's writers. Originally published in 1922, it describes many types of labyrinths and mazes in great detail with interesting historical comments. (This is a smaller, less expensive alternative to the larger, more thorough, more accurate, Hermann Kern book- LG) |
The Labyrinth and the Enneagram: Circling into Prayer by Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion, Elizabeth Catherine Nagel. Paperback: 128 pages ; Pilgrim Press (October 2001) |
The Magic of Labyrinths: A Tool for Spiritual Healing by Liz Simpson Hardcover: 176 pages; Thorsons Pub; ISBN: ; (November 2002) |
Living the Labyrinth: 101 Paths to a Deeper Connection With the Sacred by Jill Kimberly Hartwell Geoffrion, Paperback - 104 pages, 2000 Pilgrim Press, In brief, devotional-like chapters, Geoffrion offers a wealth of creative ways to explore the labyrinth. |
The Healing Labyrinth: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace by Helen Raphael Sands;112 pages (Feb 2001) Barrons Educational Series This self-development book offers instruction and inspiration on labyrinth walking. |
Labyrinths for Kids by Lani Rossetta 111 pages Spiral bound( 2001) Leihuna Enterprises; Explores labyrinths as a tool for increasing fine motor, visual perceptual and gross motor skills in the classroom. |
The Lenten Labyrinth: Daily reflections for the journey of lent by Edward Hays, Paperback - 133 pages (April 1995) Forest of Peace Books. Related to the labyrinth only in title, a series of readings for lent. |
Rocklady: The Building of a Labyrinth by Norah Griggs Paperback -Peace Rock Publishing; (September 1, 2001) 77 pages . As she built a Labyrinth in her woods, Rocklady learned to see the signs around her and to hear the messages within her and trust her senses and her instincts. The Labyrinth now stands as a symbol of peace as she embraces her life's transitions!! website |
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science (Paperback) Harper paperbacks, 1995. This is one of the more 'readable' books on sacred numbers and geometry. Many cross cultural references give a broad swath on the sacred meaning of numbers. Michael Schneider leads us on a spectacular, lavishly illustrated journey along the numbers one through ten to explore the mathematical principles made visible in flowers, shells, crystals, plants, and the human body, expressed in the symbolic language of folk sayings and fairy tales, myth and religion, art and architecture. |
NOVEL The Journey: A Novel of Pilgrimage and Spiritual Quest by Elyn Aviva paperback, 428 pages, Pilgrims Process, Inc. 2004 - The Journey begins on the Camino de Santiago and ranges across Spain, France, and Turkey. It is the tale of Gwen, a young American pilgrim, who is confronted by a vision that won't leave her alone. Driven by the deep longing of her soul, Gwen embarks on an archetypal journey that includes modern-day Druids, a quest for the Grail, the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral, the Forest of Broceliande, Black Madonna shrines, and Sufis in Istanbul. Along the way she finds wise teachers and charlatans, true love and its imitations. Her search for meaning leads her, eventually, to discover who she really is. |
Chartres Cathedral by Malcolm Miller, Sonia Halliday (Photographer), Laura Lushington (Photographer) Paperback - 96 pages 2nd rev edition (March 1998) Have you ever wondered what can be found in the rest of Chartres Cathedral, beyond the labyrinth? This book has some answers, and plenty of pictures to show it off! |
Looking for God : A Seeker's Guide to Religious and Spiritual Groups of the World by Steven S. Sadleir Paperback - 432 pages (October 10, 2000) Perigee; In this concise, straightforward book, Steven Sadleir presents essential information on a remarkable array of religious and spiritual belief systems-from the ancient to the avant-garde. East or West, large or small, readers can find fascinating facts about the histories, beliefs, sacred texts, rituals and practices of the world's religions. |
Vision of the Grail by Kathleen Jacoby Paperback - 304 pages (2001) Lightlines Publishing Company. After receiving a message to "Find the Holy Grail," she begins an adventure that takes her from a labyrinth in San Francisco to a mysterious gathering in New Mexico. Here the secrets of antiquity begin to unfold. Throughout the journey she is confronted by others who offer clues. |
The Christian Moral Life: Practices of Piety by Timothy F. Sedgwick Paperback - 175 pages (July 1999) Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Taking into account the central themes of Christian ethics, Sedgwick shows how effective piety is built on spiritual disciplines that deepen our experience of God: prayer, worship, self-examination, simplicity, and acts of hospitality. |
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols - JC Cooper - (1978 Thames and Hudson) An awesome resource for finding the meaning of symbols across various cultures. The entry on 'labyrinth' is lengthy and insightful, but dated. -LG (Paperback 1987) |
Forrest Tales- The Secret of the Labyrinth C.J. Lewis - 140 p ; paperback PublishAmerica; (March 2004) A book for young people who have ever made a mistake in life. "Life is filled with twists and turns, just like the Great Labyrinth. We need to appreciate those opportunities." The stories are filled with fantasy and adventure, yet each book in the series deals with a theme that young people face as they make their difficult journey to "becoming." NOTE: the author's website is |
The Little Prince - by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, Katherine Woods (Translator), Antoine De Saint-Exupery (Illustrator) Reading level: Ages 9-12 Hardcover - Harcourt Brace. A book widely read by children and adults. The Little Prince, a story of a "young space traveler", who meets unusual characters on various planets before landing on Earth. He meets a pilot busy repairing his airplane and a classic philosophical dialog ensues. |
The Chronicles of Narnia (Boxed Set) by C. S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes (Illustrator) Hardcover Rei/Boxed edition HarperCollins The Chronicles of Narnia is a classic in Children's literature. When I found a mysterious street lamp deep in a Michigan forest on a personal retreat, I came rushing home ready to re-enter Narnia and read this series!. The seven-book series led by "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" is enthralling for both children and adults. - John Ridder |
Children's Biographies: the Adventures of Heroes and Heroines in American History The Young Patriots Series Amelia Earhart, Mahalia Jackson, Juliet Lowe, Eddie Rickenbacher, Lew Wallace, and many more to come! |
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