Chartres Labyrinth items

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*NOTICE: most items can be ordered securely online at

 PAXWORKS HARDWOOD LABYRINTHS can now be ordered online at

PAXworks offers the most-accurate, most-precise and finest quality replications of the Chartres Labyrinth available anywhere online, or offline! Our Chartres products are properly proportioned and include the details of the center rosette and proper number of  teeth/lunations on the outer rim.

click: for portable and outdoor Chartres labyrinths

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18" Walnut Finger Labyrinth

18" Maple Finger Labyrinth

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18" Cherry Finger Labyrinth

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18" Tu-tone Walnut Veneer

Finger Labyrinth

 *Antiqued Chartres  replica 4 - 1/2"

Approximately 1/100 scale of the original Chartres proportions, includes a wooden stick for 'walking' the labyrinth and a cloth drawstring storage bag.

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 * PEWTER Chartres  replica  4 - 1/2",  

Approximately 1/100 scale of the original Chartres proportions, includes a wooden stick for 'walking' the labyrinth and a cloth drawstring storage bag.

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    * NOTE: items can be ordered online at 

combocherry.jpg (36346 bytes)IDEA!  18"  Finger Labyrinth with Freenotes instrument. 

A perfect duo for, labyrinth walks & private times!


Classic-7 Labyrinths

renewalw2_small.jpg (7139 bytes)Portable labyrinths

Drawn and painted by the 'Labyrinth Guy'!.